Hello, may I speak to Member? This is Agent with American Income, Local 277. We handle your benefits through your Group. They sent you a letter a while ago about this and YOU returned a yellow 3x5 inch card. Do you remember doing that?

If NO: It looks like you put down (Beneficiary) as your beneficiary, does that ring a bell?

I just need to verify the information YOU WROTE DOWN. Now, Member, YOU WROTE DOWN your address as (Address). Is that correct? Ok Great! Next thing YOU WROTE DOWN is your date of birth as (D.O.B.). Is that correct? For the beneficiary of the life insurance policy, YOU WROTE DOWN (Beneficiary). Is that still, correct?

Awesome! It looks like you are one of the members who hasn't received their benefits package yet and it's my job to get you caught up with all the other members.

We do everything on Zoom now, rather than coming out to your house. Have you ever used Zoom before? Okay great! It’s super easy to use. What time do you and Spouse normally get home from work?

My schedule is filling up very fast right now, but I have availability (day/time) or (day/time). Which time works best for you and Spouse? Okay perfect!

Do me a favor, grab a pen and paper. I have some very important information that I need you to write down. Let me know when you're ready...
  • Okay, go ahead and write down my name and number. It's (spell first name) and (phone #). Got that?
  • Next, go ahead and write down the day and time of our appointment, which is (day/time). Got that?

What's a good email to where I can send the Zoom link? Is this your cell phone number?

Okay great! Tomorrow morning, I'll send you a quick reminder text about our meeting. Once you receive it, please reply with a "thumbs up" emoji or a "good to go" message, okay? Wonderful! It's very IMPORTANT that you're both there. Sound good? Awesome! I look forward to talking to you and Spouse tomorrow at (day/time). Have a great night!
*Ask about taking kids to sports or anything going on after work.
*Make sure spouse will be there.
*Schedule an hour after from when they tell you they get home from work.
Hello, may I speak to Member? This is Agent with the Will Kit program.
I'm just calling because you requested a Will and Testament on (Date). Do you remember doing that?
If NO: You were probably on Facebook and saw our ad. Looks like you did it on (Date). Does that ring a bell? If YES: Good news, Your Will Kit just came in, I’m just calling to verify what you filled out so we can send them out to you. It looks like you put your address as (Address). Is that correct? You put your email as (Email). Is that correct?

Also, YOU REQUESTED (#) Will Kits? Is that correct?
If only 1 Will Kit: Did you only need one Will Kit, or did you need one for your spouse as well? If 2 Will Kits: Okay and im assuming the second is for a spouse or significant other?

The Will Kit is free, it’s just my job to run through instructions real quick with you because there are a few confusing secitons. We explain everything over a super quick and easy zoom meeting, it usually only takes 10-15 mintues.
Okay. Are you both working today? (TRY TO CALL INTO)

If NO: Okay perfect we’ll knock this out real quick then, do you have a spouse or significant other because we need both of you guys to understand how these work. (IF SPOUSE IS NOT HOME: What time will your spouse be home today?) If YES: What time do you normally get home from work? And do you have a spouse or significant other? (IF YES: What time do they usually get home?)

Okay, I'm pretty booked up right now but I could squeeze you in today/tomorrow at ___ or ____. Which time works best for you and Spouse?

Is this the best number for me to call you at tomorrow? The ####? Last thing! I’ll be giving you a call tomorrow morning to remind you of the appointment. If for whatever reason you don’t answer I’ll leave a voicemail. Is that fair? Okay perfect. I look forward to speaking with you and Spouse today/tomorrow at (Time).
Hello, may I speak to Member? Hey Member! This is Agent with American Income calling about the Child Safe Kits that you recently requested! It looks like you requested (#) of these child safe kits. Is that still correct?
Okay, I need to verify the information you put down so we can help you get your child safe kits activated... you listed your address as (Address). Is that still correct? Perfect! And lastly, you put your email as _____, is that still correct?

The process to activate your child safety kits is super quick and easy, we explain how it works to you real fast over a 10-15 minute phone call. Are you working today? (TRY TO CALL RIGHT INTO)

If NO: Okay perfect we’ll knock this out real quick then, do you have a spouse or significant other because we need both of you guys to understand how these work. (IF SPOUSE IS NOT HOME: What time will your spouse be home today?) If YES: What time do you normally get home from work? And do you have a spouse or significant other? (IF YES: What time do they usually get home?)

My schedule is filling up very fast right now, but I have availability (day/time) or (day/time). Which time works best for you and Spouse? Okay perfect!

Is this the best number for me to call you at tomorrow? The ####? Last thing! I’ll be giving you a call tomorrow morning to remind you of the appointment. If for whatever reason you don’t answer I’ll leave a voicemail. Is that fair? Okay perfect. I look forward to speaking with you and Spouse today/tomorrow at (Time).
Hello, may I speak to Member? Hey Member, this is Agent with American Income, Sponsor's' life insurance company. Were you able to see that message I sent in the groupchat together?

Okay perfect!. So they have me reaching out to you to go over how to make a claim on the policy and just a couple other things you are responsible for as the beneficiary. Does that make sense?

YES: Okay perfect and then did you have a spouse as well? This is going to pay out to your family so they want to make sure both of you have this information just in case.
NO: Gotcha so the reason that they have us reaching out is because last year over 7 billion dollars went unclaimed and that is the absolute last thing we want, is for Sponsor to get this get up and his family isn't able to be paid out on it
The process to explain the beneficiary responsibilities is super quick and easy, we explain how it works to you real fast over a 10-15 minute zoom call. Are you working today? (TRY TO CALL RIGHT INTO)

If NO: Okay perfect we’ll knock this out real quick then, do you have a spouse or significant other because we need both of you guys to understand how these work. (IF SPOUSE IS NOT HOME: What time will your spouse be home today?) If YES: What time do you normally get home from work? And do you have a spouse or significant other? (IF YES: What time do they usually get home?)

My schedule is filling up very fast right now, but I have availability (day/time) or (day/time). Which time works best for you and Spouse? Okay perfect!

Now I want to make sure you know whos calling you back at that time so go ahead and open up your contacts. Let me know when you are ready...
  • Okay, so my name is (spell first name). And then I will go ahead and give you my personal phone number which is (phone #). Got that?

Great, now make sure you are ready for my phone call and I look forward to going over everything with you later today. Have a good rest of your day.
Hello, may I speak to Member? Hey Member, this is Agent with American Income, Sponsor's' life insurance company. Were you able to see that message I sent in the groupchat together?

Okay perfect!. So they have me reaching out to you to go over the free life insurance policy they sponsored you for. Sponsor already took care of the cost for you so make sure you thank them!
The process to explain the certificate of coverage is super quick and easy, we explain how it works to you real fast over a 10-15 minute zoom call. Are you working today? (TRY TO CALL RIGHT INTO)

If NO: Okay perfect we’ll knock this out real quick then, do you have a spouse or significant other because we need both of you guys to understand how these work. (IF SPOUSE IS NOT HOME: What time will your spouse be home today?) If YES: What time do you normally get home from work? And do you have a spouse or significant other? (IF YES: What time do they usually get home?)

My schedule is filling up very fast right now, but I have availability (day/time) or (day/time). Which time works best for you and Spouse? Okay perfect!

Now I want to make sure you know whos calling you back at that time so go ahead and open up your contacts. Let me know when you are ready...
  • Okay, so my name is (spell first name). And then I will go ahead and give you my personal phone number which is (phone #). Got that?

Great, now make sure you are ready for my phone call and I look forward to going over everything with you later today. Have a good rest of your day.
Wait, what is this for?
This is your permanent death benefit through the union. Do you still want (Beneficiary) as your beneficiary? → (Quickly back to script)

Why does my spouse need to be there?
When something happens to you, your spouse will need to know how the benefits work and how to make a claim on all of the money. → (Quickly back to script)

Can you just mail it to me?
Member, that’s what we did originally. We mailed you a letter of explanation. Now my job is to explain your benefits to you, and get you caught up with all the other members. → (Quickly back to script)

Do I have to do this?
Yes, Member. These are the permanent benefits from the union. → (Quickly back to script)

Someone has already come out / I already did this:
Actually, this is completely different Member! They actually changed all the benefits you are receiving. You’re going to want to see them. → (Quickly back to script)

I’m not interested:
No problem Member, but let me ask you this, did you make it to the meetings when they talked about this program? (Continue on no matter what they say) That’s exactly why I am calling. My job is to explain the updated benefits and get you caught up with all the other members. → (Quickly back to script)

I’m not in the union anymore:
Really? Well you got lucky, Member! Since your enrollment card was filled out while you were still in the union, they’re going to let you keep all the benefits for you and your family! These are the permanent benefits that you get to keep, even when you change jobs or retire. Since you already changed jobs, this is your last chance to get them. → (Quickly back to script)

I don't know what time my spouse gets home:
Okay Member, when is the latest he/she gets home? Ok. I have a (day/time) or (day/time) tomorrow which one do you want? → (Quickly back to script)

How much will this cost?
The benefits are at no cost to you. My job is to explain the updated benefits and get you caught up with all the other members. → (Quickly back to script)

I already got that taken care of.
Perfect, we’re still going to send it to you since it’s at no cost.. Anyways → (Quickly back to script)

I'm going to have my attorney do this.
Perfect, its just my job to go through the instructions before we send it and then you and your attorney will fill it out together. → (Quickly back to script)

Were not interested.
No worries were still going to send this to you since it’s at no cost... → (Quickly back to script)

What is it?
I'm glad that you asked. It's the Free Will Kit that you ordered online (date and time). My job is to help you set it up. → (Quickly back to script)

I already have one set up.
Thank you for letting me know because that's going to save us some time. They've recently added some details that cover the new probate regulations. We'll just need to update yours with the new one so that your family doesn't end up in probate court. → (Quickly back to script)

I don't want it.
I can understand that. Nobody likes to think about this subject. I've even heard a few people say that in the past, but when I mailed the Will Kit to them anyway, they called me back and were super grateful, especially since it's at no cost and comes with a living will too. → (Quickly back to script)

I ordered these a while ago!
Thank you for letting me know, and that's exactly why I'm calling. We've been on back order since COVID-19. I must say, I'm shocked that we got yours in as quickly as we did. Now that it's finally here, my job is to help you set up the Will Kit and get it out to you.→ (Quickly back to script)

Can you just mail it to me?
That's exactly what I'm going to do. They just require me to explain how to fill it out and where to get it notarized so that your family doesn't end up in probate court. → (Quickly back to script)

Mail it out to me, I don't want to meet with you/Why do you have to go over this with me?
I wish I could just mail it out, but we're required to go over the instructions since it's a legal document, before we mail everything out. → (Quickly back to script)

I don't remember doing this!
Oh really? Well, don't feel bad if you forgot. You requested this on Facebook back on (date). → (Quickly back to script)

Do we have to do a Zoom meeting? / Do I have to do this? / Why do I have to do this?
Once we explain the Child Safe Kits, you'll scan a unique QR code to set up your Child Safe Kits. This ensures that every parent fills them out properly and improves the effectiveness of the Amber Alert system. → (Quickly back to script)

I'm not interested
I can understand how you feel about that. However, the police tell us that when a child goes missing it takes parents up to 5 hours to gather this vital information in order to organize the search to find the child ALIVE. This Child Safe Kit is designed to minimize the time to locate them. It's my job to deliver the Child Safe Kits and explain the Family Care Program. → (Quickly back to script)

What is this all about?
This is about the Child Safe Kits that you (requested online/were sponsored) for by (Referrer). The Child Safe Kits are basically fingerprint kits for your kids. If they ever go missing, you'll be able to use these kits to help find them faster. → (Quickly back to script)

I already have a child safe kit
That's exactly why I'm calling! They went digital now so everyone is getting an update. Once we explain the new Child Safe Kits, you'll scan a unique QR code to set up your Child Safe Kits. This ensures that every parent fills them out properly and improves the effectiveness of the Amber Alert system. → (Quickly back to script)

Can you mail it to me?
We used to mail them but we found out that not everyone was filling them out correctly or at all. Once we explain the Child Safe Kits, you'll scan a unique QR code to set up your Child Safe Kits. This ensures that every parent fills them out properly and improves the effectiveness of the Amber Alert system. → (Quickly back to script)

How much does this cost?
Lucky you! Since you requested these kits online when you did, they are at no cost to you! (back to script)
- OR -
Lucky you! You were sponsored by (Referrer) and they took care of the cost for you! → (Quickly back to script)

Can you call me back?
Oh ok, I'll get you off the phone real quick. → (Quickly back to script)

How long is this going to take?
It depends on how many questions you have. I'm very busy, so I'll need to keep it short. → (Quickly back to script)

I can't talk right now. / I'm at work.
No problem, I'll get straight to the point! → (Quickly back to script)

Why can't you mail it to me?
That's exactly what I'm going to do. Your sponsor took care of the cost, so I just need to explain everything over a quick video meeting before I can mail it out. → (Quickly back to script)

Why does my spouse need to be there?
Great question! When something happens to you, your spouse will need to understand how the benefits work and how to make a claim on all of the money. → (Quickly back to script)

We're not buying anything.
Thank you for letting me know that. I'm a terrible salesman anyway so you just saved me a bunch of time. It's just my job to explain your benefits, activate the permanent ones and get you caught up with everyone else. → (Quickly back to script)

How much will this cost?
Great question! The cost was already taken care of by your sponsor. It's just my job to explain your benefits, activate the permanent ones and get you caught up with everyone else. → (Quickly back to script)

I'm not interested. / What's this all about? / We already have insurance.
No problem. But let's take a step back. Did your sponsor explain the benefit program to you? (No matter what they say, move on!) That's exactly why I'm calling. It's just my job to explain your benefits, activate the permanent ones and get you caught up with everyone else. → (Quickly back to script)